Bike-share begins, one shows up in Maplewood


Bike-share companies LimeBikes and Ofo (yellow) kicked off in St. Louis — 750 each, according to the St. Louis Post-DispatchA 40 South reader reported a Limebike bike parked outside Orbit Pinball Lounge on Sutton, said her (his?) boyfriend rode it in from The Grove.

A Twitter user wondered what it would take to have Maplewood be part of the program.


  1. “Her (his) boyfriend rode the bike from the Grove” Make sure we cover all bases here or someone will be offended…

  2. The story about the bikes in the Mississippi turns out to be due to a GPS error. I’ve read several stories that the GPS on the bikes is WAY off, so I believe it.

  3. STL Today had an article today saying that a couple of the bikes have already been thrown into the Mississippi River. Hope this one fares better. Pulling it out of Deer Creek would be much easier anyway.


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