Sutton Blvd. retail space available: What should go in?

The Schlafly Corporation is offering 2810 available for lease.

The Black Cat Theatre left 2810 Sutton Boulevard in 2012, leaving what was at one time Bettendorf’s Supermarket. The south end of the building was Harper’s Pharmacy.

A sign at the center of the building now offers the space for lease by the Schlafly Corporation for office or retail use. Any thoughts about what should go in here? It’s across the street from the Sutton Loop Park, if that helps stir any ideas.

The Schlafly Corporation is offering 2810 available for lease.
The Schlafly Corporation is offering 2810 available for lease.


  1. It was ‘the fabric store’ to me during my sewing youth. Very cold in the winter, especially the vestibule area. Lots of creative thoughts worked through in that building.


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