Brentwood alderman endorses new candidate


Brentwood Ward 4 Alderman Tom Kramer has endorsed Ward 4 aldermanic candidate, Kathy O’Neill in the April 5 election. O’Neill is running against incumbent Patrick Toohey for the Ward 4 seat.

See also: Kathy O’Neill running for Brentwood Ward 4 alderman

Kramer said he and O’Neill have met to talk about the future of Brentwood, and have kept in regular contact on various topics. He said he’s impressed with her desire to make Brentwood Forest and the city “the very best they can be.”

Kramer’s endorsement of Kathy O’Neill:

I’ve known Kathy O’Neill as a long-time resident of Brentwood Forest for a good while now…  We had a chance to meet last month to talk about the future of our community, and her view of the issues affecting Brentwood and Ward IV. Since that time, we’ve kept in fairly regular contact comparing thoughts on various important topics.

Each time, I’ve come away very impressed with her desire to work together as a team to make Brentwood Forest (and the city) the very best that they can be. The “team” concept is an important one. Despite occasional opposing views within, teams can accomplish so much towards a common goal when working together. With her list of past accomplishments, her willingness to give back, and time to dedicate, Kathy’s impressive skill set gives me great comfort in our future.

I would look forward to collaborating with Kathy towards the continued betterment of our community. The important commercial aspects of our ward, Brentwood Square and a good part of Brentwood’s Promenade would also benefit from our partnership. I hope you’ll reach out to her with any questions as you consider your vote for co-alderman of Ward IV on April 5th. Kathy has earned my endorsement. And, I believe our community would benefit greatly if she should be fortunate enough to earn your vote.

Kindest regards,
Thomas Kramer
President of The Board
Alderman, Ward IV
City of Brentwood, MO


  1. No smart a** remarks. I am very pleased there is a show of professional balance returning to the City. I never have had strong feelings one way or the other, until a long time resident’s were not being heard by City Hall. AND THEY WERE NOT. No resident expects to get everything they would like. But a level playing field allows people to feel heard, considered and receive a just response. It is the TRUE restoration of B’wd as a balanced, progressive community, that recognizes the history, and love people have for this community. Thank you Alderman Kramer, for having heard the people, and the wisdom to take “The Road Less Traveled”–that of balance. best regards maureen


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