At the end of the Brentwood Board of Alderman meeting on Monday, in ‘new business’, Alderman Patrick Toohey moved to censure Alderwoman Maureen Saunders. Alderman David Plufka seconded the motion.
Reported from the City of Brentwood YouTube recording of the meeting.
The motion failed. Mayor Chris Thornton said if passed, it would be the board formally disapproving Saunder’s actions, and warning her that she should not continue.
Toohey listed five complaints in his motion:
- I’ve seen her repeatedly exceed her authority in directing staff, despite recommendations, being told by legal representatives not to do this. I believe this directly led to the resignations of Julie McMillan (human resources manager) and Gina Jarvis (finance director).
- Despite legal council saying not to do this, we’ve repeatedly seen her violate Sunshine Law by copying at least five aldermen in and discussing city business via the email system.
- Some of these emails have also seen her violate the closed session meetings by recapping the meetings in the emails. This has made our closed sessions become public record through Sunshine request.
- I’ve also seen other troubling behavior in her reaching out to other municipalities saying she represents the city, requesting information as a city representative. She does not have this authority. I believe it’s detrimental to our relations with these other cities, in the nature of the request and the way they’ve been handled.
- I’ve seen her publicly disparage city employees, professional staff, elected officials, with no basis, in an unprofessional manner.
Following are excerpts from the YouTube recording:
Saunders said she would like all the accusations documented.
“I would like the emails, the requests. I’ve never spoken directly with Gina other than one time. Chief Jury maybe three times…
“Alderman Toohey needs to look at his past, his inappropriate texts, poor behavior generally. My emails are always directed to Bola and CC who is appropriate. I don’t deliberate, I simply put in the email the information that I need. Sometimes it takes seven attempts. It’s always ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in requesting the data. Many requests came in my first two years because I had first-hand knowledge of a lot of the behavior that happened prior.”
Alderman David Plufka, reading a prepared statement:
“I seconded it because I believe it’s time we have this conversation in an open forum, not because I’m especially interested in seeing anyone censured.
“I can understand the mindset…forged by the embezzlement and malfeasance described in the 2011 audit to view aldermanic roll as that of a watchdog. And I can see how someone elected at the time might believe it is their primary mandate to ferret out what must be other instances of corruption in our city.
“In my opinion, when that mindset makes it OK to micromanage individual employees, second-guess staff actions, and make what I believe are sometimes punitive demands on our staff’s time, I believe the time has come to have a conversation about that, for if it is allowed to continue without objection, we will in my opinion paralyze the very employees we hope to empower. We will perpetuate a level of dysfunction that will be difficult for us to overcome.
“Our role as I see it is to provide guidance for the future, adopt philosophies and strategic goals, and then hand them to our senior staff to implement. They are who we hold accountable to that guidance…”
Alderman Tom Kramer:
“As the previous chairman of ways and means, I wrote a draft of an alternate version of a code of conduct for the city of Brentwood… in my draft I actually used, I proposed the idea of censure. Little did I know it was going to come up this evening. It didn’t get to the point where we would adopt that code of conduct.”
Kramer asked City Attorney Kevin O’Keefe (recently appointed by Mayor Thornton) his opinion of censure in this case. O’Keefe said Robert’s Rules of Order states that the board has the inherent authority to discipline its members; that there are lesser levels of discipline, short of expulsion.
Kramer said for him to vote in favor of censure in that meeting, he would need to see the allegations and the rebuttal in writing.
Alderman Andy Leahy:
“Mr. Toohey’s complaint that at times actions that were done, but were not done as an authorization of this board. Yes, I believe certain actions have been taken, where the board was not granting any individual to move forward…I am disappointed in email traffic, not only from Alderwoman Saunders, but others that were addressed in executive session seem to come out in public communication.
“I don’t think anybody had the intent to circumvent the law, it’s just the way we go about doing business. I agree with Alderman Kramer that if this board wishes to move forward with this type of an action, it would be in the board’s best interest to do a much better job about specifically documenting what the actions were.”
Alderwoman Saunders:
“It’s evident that Alderman Plufka knew this was coming because he had a prepared statement, so it would have been nice had I known too…
“I have all my emails, so I can go back and I will show you how I’ve been shut down time and time again, even though I’m asking for things I’m entitled to…
“All I ask is that you give me documentation of the accusations that you made, and a chance to rebut…
“I have been on this board a lot longer than some, and I have fought for the city the entire time, and if you want to censure me Alderman Toohey go right ahead, but you better document it well, because I’m going to document your misgivings.”
Alderman Toohey:
“I’ve found the behavior to be obstructive. You can’t say, “now you’ve called me out on my behavior, now I’m going to do the same.’ That’s not the way it’s supposed to work..
“Municipal employees talk. Brentwood is getting a bad reputation…When we go out and try and hire new people for Brentwood they’re going to say don’t go there. Their aldermen treat you awful, they create a hostile work environment, and we’ll get substandard employees or we’re going to have to pay a lot more than we already are.”
Mayor Chris Thornton said the recommendation (in Robert’s Rules of Order) is that the vote be by ballot. Since Saunders was the one in question, she did not vote.
Mayor Chris Thornton:
The motion is to censure Alderwoman Saunders. Censure is a formal disapproval by the board of the conduct that was mentioned when Alderman Toohey made the motion. There were…specific areas that he referenced. If you disapprove of that conduct, then you vote in favor of the motion to censure Alderwoman Saunders. If you are in favor of that conduct, then you vote not in favor of the motion to censure Alderwoman Saunders.
The motion failed 5-2.
See the complete YouTube recording of the meeting.

Is it to late for a Recall of Thornton, Toohey and Plufka, that is all, just those three.
Mike, did you know that there were some elected officials receiving medical benefits, and if you did know, when did you find out and when did you think it was approved? Why weren’t all of the elected officials provided with this benefit?
Charlie, “Ex-Chicago schools chief pleads guilty to steering $23 million in contracts.” What’s interesting is there is an email from the former chief, Barbara Byrd-Bennett, to others who were questioning her actions while she was chief, one of her emails was a complaint that she was the professional and they were trying to micro-manage her. “CHICAGO— The former chief executive of the cash-strapped Chicago public school system pleaded guilty on Tuesday in federal court to her part of a scheme to steer $23 million in contracts to her former employer in exchange for bribes and kickbacks that would have netted her more than $2 million.”
Going to try this again, first comment disappeared before I got to post.
Ok, I have read all the comments above, lots of views and some misinformation. Obviously, the alderman that brought forth the censure of Alderman Saunders have information that we as the public are not privey to. I am going to play Devils advocate, what will these people say if facts come out that show Alderman Saunders acted inappropriately towards city staff and that her actions were in conflict with what is best for the city? Now, if facts aren’t presented to the public, I hope the elected officials can start working together. As for the employees, do you really want a city administrator, finance person, firefighter/paramedic, policeman, or public works employee at the bottom of the scale? No, you pay more because as a city you want the best for your residents not mediocre employees. Brentwood is a diverse community, with varying opinions and goals. We as the residents will never agree on everything, the trick is to compromise, and work together towards a better future in Brentwood.
Anne – you are so right. It is pure antics performed by the male species threatened by one elected female. Sadly our past female Alderwomen just laughed and giggled at Kelly’s jokes and did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it, For some reason the men on this board are amazingly afraid of one single female. Go back and watch the meetings from the moment Saunders was elected, from day one the boys on the board went after her. It seems to take at least three of them to take her on as none of them can singlehandedly go brain to brain with her. She knows her stuff and you can tell when she asks very pointed questions stating ordinances that supporting her issues. If the elected men of Brentwood had their way the women of Brentwood would still not have voting right.
Brent – Alderperson Saunders is not the problem if you would go back and watch all the meetings. All she asks is we follow the ordinances and she seeks out information from other sources or cities to enhance her ability to represent us. The only reason she is a distraction is because Kelly and Thorton are doing everything they can to distract the residents from the truth. Even our past city attorney when questioned by Saunders rarely if ever could answer her, really our city attorney did not know the state law or city ordinances, does anyone else find that a bit odd. Read our ordinances and state law, they are actually pretty simple. I agree with Justin our problem is our employees have had it so easy and held to absolutely no standards that it is impossible to unscramble the egg. They are overpaid and have benefits that are so beyond what the citizens have it is scary. Do you know of any other municipality in St. Louis that actually gives a pension to its Alderman? Only in Brentwood. We are being robbed blind and have only ourselves to blame for continuing to elect incompetent Mayors and Alderman like Toohey and Plufka who can be so easily controlled by a top down ruler. Thorton, I saw the video, shame on you, your behavior was atrocious and demeaning or your position. You are not a dictator you are one of nine people that represent Brentwood, and I might add that representation is poor at best.
If anyone should be censured it should be Mayor Thorton for his behavior toward a board member. Ward 1 elected her by an absolute landslide because of her detailed work and continued goal of getting our city to realize it is a business and should be run like a business. Watching the BOA, Mayor and employees treat our tax revenue like their private piggy bank which they should have unlimited access is mind boggling. I am pretty sure it was Toohey who got upset at Saunders when she told the citizens how low our reserve was and Toohey told us citizens we had no right to know and Saunders was out of hand at the time. Just another example of his poor decision making process. Has the person who used the city credit card in order to buy personal goods and not pay taxes been replaced?
I agree about Plufka, for someone who has no knowledge of the abuse Saunders has taken from the men on the board to second the censure tells me as well, he is not his own man. Without first hand knowledge how can you so easily be swayed, very scary we have someone with so little curiosity that he would not find out on his own.
Pretty obvious from watching the tape that the whole event was orchestrated by the Mayor. Not sure why he has targeted Saunders unless he is still taking marching orders from Kelly in order to cover all of Kelly’s mistakes. We just elected another useless Mayor who works for the employees not the citizens, what a shame and shame on us voters for electing someone of such poor quality.
This is not new: the MAYOR
has presented himself as style over substance from the very first interview posted on 40 South. As for Ald. Toohey, i was the first person to meet with him after he announced. He was extremely critical of Ald. Saunders, for no apparent reason, and at every opportunity during our hour long conversation. The City Administration and BOA need to take a step back, a deep breath, and consider how to keep the established animous out of the City Business. Try starting over with all clean slates, give the Mayor a chance to grow into a position he should never have one, and drop all the ‘washer-woman’ hen pecking out of City Hall. love, maureen
Charlie – pretty sure the firefighters who turned in false time cards for work they did not do, are still there, and of course asking for more money. Are we to assume that is not stealing, because it came on your paycheck under false pretense?
Saunders is on no witch hunt unless following the ordinances is a witch hunt, or if asking to file against the bond which we citizens paid for just in case someone did steal from the city is called a witch hunt. Charlie my comments are spot on, and until the BOA decides that the city belongs to the citizens instead of cowering to the employees and wanting to be their friends our city will not be fixed. The city belongs to the residents. And yes the unprofessionalism of our past mayor and now this one is painfully obvious. Any great leader will tell you to surround yourself with people to consult and most importantly by people who have the courage to disagree so you can insure all points and opinions are heard. Our last mayor and now this one prefer those that walk with them in lock step. Exactly what has gotten us in trouble. Learning from the past assists the future, except I Brentwood. Sorry Charlie – you are just flat our wrong, just the sort of person that would be perfect under Kelly or Thorton. Run Charlie Run –
Alderman Toohey, are the current employees above standards is that why they are top of the market in compensation. Does it occur to you if we had the best employees, the audit of our city would have not been the “worst” one the state auditor ever saw. Maybe we need less hard working intelligent people whose intelligence doesn’t allow them to come up with ways to skirt the rules and steel from the citizens. The more you speak Toohey the more we citizens realize just how not smart you are.
Tony p
Did you actually read what you wrote? Obviously you have no understanding of the fact that the people who “steel” from the city are long gone. They were replaced by actual professionals who are being micro managed by Aldermen whose job is only to legislate, not micro manage professionals. Your comments are ridiculous. Alderwoman Saunders ongoing witch hunt has done untold damage to the future of the city. She is more concerned about her personal agenda than the well being of the city. While I believe she came into office with good intentions her behavior has become an embarrassment to the BOA and the city. This mayor and BOA continue a long history of unprofessional behavior that is nothing short of disgraceful. The residents of Brentwood have gotten the government they deserve.
Agree. Begin again. Wipe clean every ones slate and start over behaviorally.
Absolutely amazing of the lack of intelligence displayed by those who brought forward the censure.
Doing so without a shred of proof. Since Toohey has been there he has never had the best interest of the citizens, instead being a simple puppet for Kelly and now for Thorton. With all the residents of Brentwood Forest the best they could give Brentwood was Toohey, an individual who has yet to present an original idea or thought.
Thorton and Plufka, you would not be sitting in your seats if Saunders did not have the courage to call for an audit, our city would still be using some of the poorest accounting practices and who knows how much over market the city employees would be paid. For those of you citizens who are okay with the fact that the Brentwood employees who work for you, stole from you, please give us your address because when we are done stealing your valuables you obviously won’t prosecute cause hey were neighbors. Stealing is never right and it’s just like lying, once you crossed the line you can never have your integrity back. Our city employees blackened their names with their actions, they have no one to blame but themselves and as citizens we should never turn our back on people who have shown they cannot be trusted. Forgetting the past is the worst thing you can do.
Thank you, Brentwood leaders! I’ve been entertained many mornings by reading about your antics. I hope for your sake that people moving to the area don’t find these articles when they’re researching communities. You’re like toddlers–always throwing tantrums and developmentally unable to care about others or see a different point of view. There are so many other municipalities with mature leadership and civil servants who are allowed to do their jobs. You aren’t a city. You’re a situation comedy. Your citizens deserve more.
It seems it’s just more of the same in Brentwood. Maureen Saunders had noble intentions when she ran for the Board of Aldrermen but her presence has become that of a malignant tumor on efforts to move forward in Brentwood. As went Pat Kelly, so should Alderwoman Kramer and her ilk. If she truly has the best interests of Brentwood in mind, she should step down. Goose, meet gander.
Sorry, Alderwoman Saunders, although Alderman Kramer’s tenure is running a little long itself.
If there are emails and other proof, it’s time to show the city. What is the point of hiring these professionals if we just chase them off? It’s time for the residents to tell these elected officials enough is enough!
So I tried to make a comment, which I won’t repeat, the was removed by Doug due to unfounded accusations. I find this odd considering how he ran with one unknown commenter’s assertion about the identity of the business owner who removed his Mark Wilson sign during the campaign.