Brentwood award application shows partnership with company owned by mayor


Though the city of Brentwood has said that it has no relationship with the company, Geocompile, LLC, the city began partnering with the company in June 2016 to implement a GPS tracking system for all city vehicles, according to the city’s application for an innovation award with the Missouri Municipal League, which the city won this year.

Geocompile, LLC, is owned by Brentwood Mayor Christopher A. Thornton, at 2533 S. Brentwood Boulevard, according to the Missouri Secretary of State.

Thornton and the city has not responded immediately to a request for a comment.

See a PDF of the city’s application for the award, obtained from the Missouri Municipal League. 

Below is a screen shot from the application:


  1. After those city-government scandals rocked Brentwood a few years ago, I assumed we would enjoy a period of time in which our elected officials would not risk engaging in criminal activity. I assumed and hoped that would include rookie mayor Chris Thornton. Wasn’t Thornton here in 2011-2012? Didn’t he see the newspaper stories about our embezzling city administrator, the illegal firefighter overtime payments, the misuse of city credit cards, the state auditor’s “F” rating, etc.? The prospect of more City Hall scandals — this soon — is pretty depressing.

  2. According to the link posted by Louis, the City is paying $26,640 /year to Geocompile. That’s a lot of money in the Mayor’s pocket… The fact that the Mayor’s House is a point of interest on that GeoCompile map only adds to this clown show. I’ll be glad to see how he dodges this at the next BoA meeting.

  3. I heard (so it’s just heresay) that the Mayor dodged questions about this by blaming disgruntled former employees and “unethical” Doug Miner at his “Coffee with the Mayor” yesterday.

  4. And btw, these GPS were installed by city employees. That is using city resources to enrich the mayor. He may have not got paid, but he is using city employees and city vehicles to build his business.

  5. The mayor has been using Brentwood as his beta site. And now he is using the award, data, and results as promotional material for his company. The mayor believes the city government apparatus is for his use to enrich himself. This is the very definition of corruption.


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