Brentwood BOA passes on code of conduct, passes flood insurance bill

Brentwood City Hall

Brentwood Board of Aldermen met Monday. Here’s a rundown of a few bills considered, according to Deputy City Clerk Octavia Pittman.

At the May 5 meeting, the BOA forwarded the Flood Hazard Control Bills  to Planning and Zoning to be considered as two separate proposals. P&Z recommended 5866, which was the minimum for the city to stay eligible for federal flood insurance. P&Z didn’t recommend 5867, which went above 5866, and could have been costly for Brentwood businesses. The BOA passed 5866 but not 5867.

They also passed these bills:

Bill No. 5883 named the 8900 block of White Avenue as a “Slow—Children” street to the Brentwood ordinances.

Bill No. 5887 OK’s a site plan and conditional use permit to operate a concierge automotive sales at 1439 Strassner Road, within the Lander Binder building. Steve Lander owns the building.

Bill No. 5890 is a donation of 8128 Brentwood Industrial Drive to the city of Brentwood. The property is 0.87 acres. The current owner is listed as St. Louis County Trustee in county records and was appraised this year at $322,100. There is no building on the lot. The city commented in the meeting notes that there may be opportunities to use the property for flood mitigation efforts.

No vote was taken on the proposed Code of Conduct. Mayor Pat Kelly first proposed it, and after a few BOA meetings it went to Ways and Means to work through and send back to the BOA. The current version is called Board-Staff Communication Guidelines.

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