Brentwood BOA to discuss dispatchers in closed meeting


On Dec. 23 the City of Brentwood posted a notice of a closed meeting of the Board of Aldermen at 6 p.m. on Jan. 6. for contract negotiation for the Brentwood Dispatch Center.

An anonymous source contacted 40 South News on Dec. 24 with a concern that the meeting is to consider a contract to outsource Brentwood’s police/fire/EMS dispatch services to the East Central Dispatch Center (ECDC) in Richmond Heights.

The contact said if this agreement went through the seven Brentwood dispatchers (listed on the city website) would lose their jobs.

The contact was also wondered about the quality of service the ECDC would provide to Brentwood, since it also (currently) serves Richmond Heights, Webster Groves, Maplewood, Clayton, Shrewsbury and Olivette.

So far, Brentwood Fire Chief Ted Jury is the only city employee to have responded to the question of outsourcing Brentwood’s dispatching, with a no comment.

Ward 4 Alderman Tom Kramer replied by email he’s out of town and will pick up his packet when he returns in 2014.

See the Brentwood meeting notice here.


  1. NO. NO. and NO. We have the finest system of first responders which includes keeping our functionaries in-house. Having used 911 services, I WOULD DREAD TO SEE THIS ALTERED, as fall downs occur more often with contractors than with in-house control.


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