Brentwood Boulevard milling, paving to start Tuesday


From the Brentwood Police Department on Facebook: Weather permitting, St. Louis County will start the milling process of Brentwood Boulevard on Tuesday, April 12, at 6 p.m.

Work will be done in sections. The first section will be Marshall Road to Manchester. This work will take place at night, after rush hour, to avoid as much traffic problems as possible. Milling will continue until it is completed, approximately seven days.

The paving of Brentwood Boulevard is expected to start two weeks after the milling process is done. Expect rough pavement and delays as this work continues over the upcoming weeks. Please drive carefully and be aware of crews working on the street.


  1. I’m still hoping someone at MODOT gets canned over the catastrophic road conditions around here. It sure looks like they delayed and deferred repairs in order to squeeze tax increases out of frustrated drivers and protect their phony baloney jobs. How much has this cost in car repairs? Aren’t these people supposed to be responsible for the condition of the pavement? Then why do they allow any bunch of clowns that comes along to chop holes in the roads and then do totally half-assed patch jobs? Without fail, these amateurs do nothing but install new sink holes in busy roads. I know, I’m living in a dream world. Nobody at MODOT will be held responsible for their malfeasance.


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