Brentwood Boulevard update: work to begin in July

Brentwood Boulevard in Brentwood, MO
Brentwood Boulevard in Brentwood, MO

Brentwood has posted an update on the Brentwood Boulevard repaving project. The projected completion date is November 30, 2015, but there is a possibility it could go into 2016, according to the report.

Brentwood Boulevard pre-construction update provided to the City of Brentwood:

  1. Notice to proceed date is July 13, 2015
  2. Completion date for the project is November 30, 2015. The contractor may be asking for an extension which would put the completion date sometime in the spring of 2016. The contractor is concerned with the possibility of working during the winter months. There was no indication this would be granted.
  3. Pot holing will be done by Saint Louis County before work is started by contractor.
  4. Work will be completed in this order:
    -Sub-surface pavement repairs
    -Curbs, sidewalks, and ADA ramps. (there are 127 ADA ramps to complete)
    -Mill and asphalt overlay
  5. No work in the north bound lanes 6:00 am – 9:00 am
  6. No work in the south bound lanes 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
  7. Night time hours shall be considered 7:00 pm – 6:00 am
  8. Mill and asphalt overlay is expected to occur during night time hours.
  9. Three points of traffic warnings before work zones are required.
  10. Warning message boards will be posted prior and during paving.
  11. Road work signs will be posted on side streets.
  12. Prior to construction or closure on an existing pedestrian access route, the contractor will post accessible signed pedestrian DETOUR during construction.
  13. By-weekly meetings will be held. Day and time to be set.
  14. Walk thru for ADA ramps are expected the week of July 6, 2015.


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