Brentwood debaters host tourney, successfully compete


The Brentwood High School debate team recently hosted a tournament for 20 schools including several hundred students, according to Brentwood debate team coach Robyn Haug.

Brentwood’s team is a young one this year, and Haug said she was nervous hosting with such an inexperienced team, “but they have done nothing but prove how wonderful they are all year.”

Brentwood not only hosted, but also successfully competed. The following students won awards:

  • Zach Arrindell: 1st Place Prose Interpretation
  • Alayna Yacoub and Contessa Smith: 2nd Place Duo Interpretation
  • Ben Haug: 4th Place Storytelling
  • Hank Wall: 5th Place Humorous Interpretation
  • Meghan Haug: 5th Place Radio Speaking

In another recent tournament — the largest in the state so far this year — Brentwood’s novice team competed at Ladue High School against 31 other schools, and the varsity team competed at Clayton High School against 35 schools. There were around 500 entries at each school and several hundred student competitors, Haug said.

These Brentwood students earned awards at the Clayton-Ladue Invitational:

Program Oral Interpretation

  • Zach Arrindell: 1st Place
  • Kyra Brown: 6th Place

Duo Improvisation

  • Sofia Flores / Madison Lawrence: 6th Place


  • Ben Haug: 1st Place
  • Zach Rahaman: 6th Place

Prose Reading

  • Madhumathi Vijayalingam: 3rd Place



  1. Can you tell me, are these debates open to a public audience? This would be an exiting event to attend. If so, how would I know of upcoming debates?


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