A Brentwood man was charged with distributing, delivering or manufacture of a controlled substance when St. Louis County Police raided a marijuana growing operation on May 8 in the 2700 block of Bremerton Road, in Brentwood, according to police records.

Adam Rice, 22, of the 2700 block of Bremerton Road, was the only one charged in the raid at 2721 Bremerton Road.
Brentwood Mayor Pat Kelly said in his coffee with residents on Friday, that a raid on a house on Bremerton involved two Brentwood men in their early 20s.
“My understanding is this group was renting this house and using it for people to come buy their drugs,” Kelly said. “Undercover county police had gone there and made a couple buys, so they knew the activity was going on there.”
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Brentwood Police assisted on the call, according to Chief of Police Dan Fitzgerald.

22?? Looks about 14 to me.
I was thinking the same thing.