Brentwood mayoral candidate forum set

Brentwood City Hall

A League of Women Voters (LWV) forum for the Brentwood mayoral candidates is set for March 18 at the Brentwood School District conference center (1201 Hanley Industrial Court), beginning at 7 p.m. 40 South News is the co-sponsor.

The candidates are Patrick Toohey, Mark Wilson and Christopher Thornton. Barbara Clements filed, but pulled out the following week.

Each candidate will have two minutes for an opening statement, in ballot order. The candidates will also have two minutes for a closing statement, which will be in reverse order of the opening statements.

After the opening statements, the LWV moderator will read submitted audience questions. Each candidate will have one minute to answer every question, whether it was directed to them individually, or as a group.

The LWV specifies that questions should be of general interest and not about personal matters. “Questions which are embarrassing, inappropriately hostile or unclear will be set aside.”

See also: 4 running for mayor of Brentwood, 6 for alderman

Though questions will be submitted at the event, feel free to start the discussion here in the comments.


  1. Unfortunately I have been ill for the past four days. If possible, can someone please ask the candidates where they stand on the City – County merger proposal. I had every intention of going to this, as a wealth of information can be fleshed out. Thanks if you can ask the question about the merger.


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