Brentwood officials OK new staff position


Brentwood officials, in a closed meeting on Monday, Aug. 15, approved a new city staff position.

According to the city, the motion was made by Alderman Kramer and seconded by Alderman Dimmitt to create the position of City Clerk, separating it from the City Administrator position.

The roll call vote went: Alderman Dimmitt – yes; Alderman Kramer – yes; Alderman Leahy – yes; Alderman Lochmoeller – yes; Alderwoman O’Neill – yes; Alderman Plufka – yes; Alderwoman Sims – yes; Alderman Wegge – yes


  1. More unnecessary personnel to further drive the taxes higher on Brentwood residents. These corrupt politicians need to be voted out in the next election.

  2. This is just my opinion but I could not imagine having a discussion about hiring more staff without first discussing the performance of the current staff and if that performance if meeting expectations. We will never know the particulars of what was discussed. We just have go with the fact that 9 elected individuals, 4 of whom are attorneys and two of whom (Kramer and Leahy) think the are qualified to be attorneys, along one of the top municipal attorneys in town made the correct application of Sunshine law.

  3. Who wants to take a ride on the CRAZY train….

    Why not wait till all the facts are out before people start hollering about wrong doings. Has Chris done anything in his first year in office to warrant so much hate and lack of respect.

    The board voted 8-0 and Andy votes no on almost everything. So if he voted yes, then maybe just maybe the board is not up to something fishy. So lets use our brains just a bit and wait for FACTS.

    • hmmm…oh your anonymous response is so laudable, so eloquent–just so convincing. you set me straight. (yawn)…you coward. And coward, this is not hate. This is protest against abuse of power, decisions against the will of residents, closed door meetings–and search for external reviews. The only “Truth” here is you should change your tagname to “deaf, mute and blind about reality”

      • I can only assume your mother beat you over the head with a frying pan as a child. I am a resident of Brentwood, this was not done against my will.

        People on here needs to stop speaking for EVERYONE and only speak for themselves.

        I can understand now why Popeyes would spit in your food.

        • oh, don’t be a whiner…this is politics and tax funded decisions are made without transparency. btw, if you understand popeye’s act, you would be capable of that level and lower uncivilized acts. i don’t blame you for being anonymous. Shame makes people hide their reality, and you apparently have lots of shame to hide. I am done with you–as you are too shamed to even take responsibility for your self. no truth in you. just D, M, B to reality. You have a good day.

  4. I have not been well. but this week, i will be contacting MO. state congress and our US congress (10th Amendment) about the decisions that PEOPLE DO NOT WANT–Somebody is making money off of this, and I guarantee you, in 5-7 years they will have moved on–leaving the people to clean up their mess. I HOLD CHRIS THORNTON RESPONSIBLE, as he has absolutely NO interest in the ambient Brentwood, as long as he see’s builder’s come in and take us WITH NO INPUT from the residents. SORRY TO SAY, “I TOLD YOU SO…” When i first met him, my sense was he was a self-satisfying college Frat brother, glad-handing the naive non-majority–and who would have lost had another brother not signed up to run. I later learned by knowledgeable insiders, he did not do well as an attorney and was reallocated to a non-lawyer position within the same company. Never under estimate women with highly cultivated intuition. Chris’ initial meetings as mayor were very good. But his emerging “under the table” and against resident’s interests projects needs a higher level of review. I want him under a microscope for how “these decisions” are actually being made, conflict of interest, separate self-serving contracts and the re-emergence of BAD DECISIONS MADE IN CLOSET MEETINGS, AND HOW TAXPAYERS ARE KEPT IN OBLIVION UNTIL IT IS LATE IN THE DAY. i was so happy when i thought this was over…BUT IT IS NOT.

    • After definitive identification i will be posting this at the Congressional level, State and National levels. Chris Thornton is a frat-boy player, a hear-say inadequate attorney, and is playing brentwood. I think we need the transparency and objective decision making Chris showed and even stated—-at the beginning of his mayoral term. When i see something BAD, i automatically respond. THIS IS BAD, as is the 6 story psych-ward looking building going up at Hanley and Manchester. The RESIDENTS ARE BEING IGNORED. I apologize for not being more consistent in my attention to B’wd ‘bad-boy’ mayor, but i am health impaired.

      • done. I apologize that i am not capable of my best to put forward the residents’ interests. I expect to receive e-responses about initiating an investigation into conflict of interest and corruption in Brentwood. We need TRANSPARENCY and RESIDENT INPUT. sorry, don’t feel well–blessings, maureen

      • Maureen, how are residents being ignored? This is good financially for the city of Brentwood. It also increases Brentwoods population and that is a good thing. As for Mayor Thornton, he only has a vote when there is a tie. The real power in the city government is with the ones that vote, the alderman. You obviously do not like Mayor Thornton and assume the worst when it come to him. As a lifetime citizen of this city, I want my elected officials to make decisions that bring people and revenues up. Why wouldn’t you encourage this?

  5. This position was made for POLITICAL REASONS. Since it has nothing to do with the City Administrator, the records of what is going on in Brentwood POLITICS, WON’T BE SEEN BY THE PUBLIC!!!!!
    Well played BRENTWOOD POLITICIANS. No wonder that this was done in a secret session.

  6. Isn’t it funny how new positions are created, and raises approved, in “closed meetings”. And just why doesn’t the public have the chance to vote on items like this?

    • I agree. I have written to officials about public concerns that are decided in private, and the rationale is withheld –which i believe is illegal under the sunshine laws. can you think of any agency i might contact? This is just plain wrong. I would appreciate all the input i can get on who to contact. Guess i need a copy of the specifics of all related laws associated to the “sunshine laws.” I will find a way to bring a class action suit against B’wd. BTW, these wrongs would be so simple to fix, if there wasn’t a hidden agenda. No one knows what is coming down the pike. I apologize because i have been a very good position spokesman, but this is just making me ill and i am getting old. thank you. love, maureen

        • Patrick, I wonder about this – the Sunshine Law states a meeting can be closed if “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees…when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.” This wasn’t a “particular employee” – it was creating the new position of city clerk. Just wondering out loud.

          • What if the position was created for an existing employee?

            Doug hopefully you can stay away from the tainted Kool aid that makes some believe everything the City does is illegal or wrong


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