Brentwood officials: there is/isn’t vacancy on planning & zoning

Brentwood City Hall

A Brentwood resident who volunteered for the planning and zoning commission last week is confused, through no fault of his own, whether there is an opening or not.

At the last Board of Alderman meeting Mayor Pat Kelly agreed with Alderman Andy Leahy that there were two open seats on planning and zoning. Leahy brought it up because he wanted even representation among the wards on the commission. That was before Kelly appointed Ward 1 resident, Clint Lewis to the commission in the meeting, which would leave one open seat.

Resident Brandon Jones left a message for Kelly the next day that he’d like to be considered. Kelly returned Jones’ call on Monday with the news that there is no vacancy on the commission.

City Administrator Bola Akande said by email to 40 South News on Monday that there is an open seat. Then in a second email said she stands corrected, and that there are no vacant seats. She offered no explanation for the change.

Alderwoman Maureen Saunders agreed by email on Monday that Kelly did say in the meeting there was another vacancy. She said the issue with the number of seats has to do with the new city code, which specifies fewer seats, but the new code hasn’t been adopted.

The current code defines that planning and zoning can have 15 members (12 citizens, the mayor, a member of the board, and zoning administration). The members are appointed by the mayor and approved by the board.

Saunders also said she’d like to see Steve Lochmoeller added to planning and zoning.


  1. I am frustrated by this administration–in particular Pat. It feels like we’re at the circus and the little car with 16 clowns drives out, jump spray each other with mini-fire extinguishers and smash pies in each others’ faces.

    This scenario has all the clowns with Pat Kelly masks on. I ran into Leroy Russo who quit the P&Z after 20+ years of service. He said that there was no attention given to the laws or ordinances. The board was procedurally vacant and did not reference ordinances voted on by Brentwood residents.

    I suspect Pat does not want the people to have a say in Brentwood. Otherwise, Brandon Jones would be a great addition to P&Z. I find it nothing short of “typical pat” that there is, then there is not a vacancy—kind of like the whitehouse Can we impeach Pat and replace him with someone who cares?

    • The best person for P & Z is probably someone who has never seen or been in Brentwood. But now, apparently, if we might not need another person, so why add one? Especially if we have so many of them.

    • Ok, impeach him! Get involved in a way other than editorializing. It’s not going to work. Everyone has been cleared. Do what Maureen is doing. Get elected and be a part of the action. Maureen set herself a goal and achieved it! Isn’t it Planning and Zoning’s job to recommend?

  2. Whoa Steve. I’m sure the Mayor gets nominations all the time for commission positions — whether there are current vacancies or not. Plus, we don’t know — someone might be planning on stepping down. Or the Mayor has another nomination he’s prepared to present at another Board of Alderman meeting. And until the new code is adopted, there are 15 members for Zoning & Planning.

  3. I think that one of the requirements for serving on the Planning and Zoning is that you must vote for and support Mayor Kelly. First hand experience.

  4. So, to me, it sounds like Mayor Kelly doesn’t want to add another person to Zoning and Planning, because there will be a limit to the number of people ON the board, and he doesn’t want to lay someone off. On the other hand, Mz Alderwoman, wants to put someone in the job that she has ALREADY CHOSEN. THEN, put someone OUT of that post later. That sounds like ‘crone-ism’ to me! Isn’t that against her platform?


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