Brentwood officials to consider rezoning for apartment complex


The Brentwood Board of Aldermen are set to consider these bills at their Monday, March 28 meeting:

  • First reading on a bill to rezone 8071 and 8075 Manchester Road from planned development to urban development, which would allow developer, Gary Hassenflu to proceed with a 6-story multifamily building on the 2.19 acre site. Planning and zoning has approved the rezoning, and has yet to approve the site plan. See also: Developer proposes apartment complex to Brentwood P&Z
  • First reading of a bill that would allow intoxicating beverages to be brought onto city-owned property, such as a park, only after approval of the board of aldermen.
  • A bill authorizing a computer-assisted report entry and record analysis and mapping system service agreement with St. Louis County.
  • A bill that would allow income eligible homeowners to receive block grant loans of up to $5,000. Total amount available of $20,000. Loans are generally used for roofs, heating and cooling, plumbing and electric work.
  • A bill for the city to participate in the Highway Safety Program for Traffic Enforcement. The grant provides financial assistance for added traffic enforcement and provides the opportunity for Brentwood officers to work overtime so they can devote their time specifically to traffic enforcement.
  • A resolution to accept CTM Services as the sole source provider to premier repairs on the ice resurfacer at the Brentwood Recreation Complex.

See the complete synopsis of bills.

See the complete March 28 agenda.


  1. This really makes me wonder WHY ARE THE DOGS RUNNING THE KENNEL? Of course this guy wants to make money off of B’wd commercial residences—-who is it that is ok’ing URBAN PLANNING in our City? What about opening it up to Sec 8 housing? Why not have a floor dedicated to securing the residential needs of sex offenders–and habitual criminals–like a half-way house? You may think i am kidding, but i could not be more serious about this over-commercialization of our City. These decisions, I PROMISE, are being made in a vacuum, without knowledge. You look at B’wd Forest and what is happening there—and compare it to Audubon Park, B’wds own little red light and drug distribution center in the day. They are the exact same structures. Honest to God—i am floored at what has to be either TRUE naivete, OR GLUTTONOUS GREED. I could make a case for both of these…WHO IS LOOKING AT THE LONG VIEW??? sorry–very annoyed==but i am 60 and have lived in urban nyc and new orleans, worked in harlem, and was a streetcar ride or a bike ride from the areas in the infamous Housing projects including what was the Desire Project, and the lower 9th ward. Brentwood is showing all the Am. cultural hallmarks of becoming a disposable society city. It is ok to be some fool and respond with “the other side”. I don’t care what you have to say—Brentwood security as a community is being THREATENED. And nobody seems to be watching. ok…i am done. best regards, maureen


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