Brentwood OKs flooding study, rec center financing

Brentwood City Hall

Brentwood mayor, Pat Kelly made two appointments at the board of aldermen meeting Monday — one which the aldermen approved and one they didn’t. Also at the meeting the board approved performing an engineering study on mitigating flooding on Manchester Road, and a debt instrument for financing the renovation of the recreation center.

For financing the work on the recreation center, Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy was concerned about approving a dollar amount before the work is better defined. Kelly said it’s defined by the work specified to be done, and listed the roof, ADA upgrades, sprinkler system, and a new refrigeration system for the ice.

“Those major items are going to be done,” Kelly said. “Those estimates came out to be the $3 million. We’re issuing the bonds for $3.5 million. You can only estimate so much. You’re not going to know until you put it out to bid.”

Kelly also said the city would also apply for a grant through the county, which if successful, would allow additional work to be done, like resurfacing the parking lot.

Discussions of an audit committee, and code of ethics were postponed. They both need more discussion in ways and means, committee members said.


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