Brentwood plans block parties for National Night Out, looking for organizers


The Brentwood Police Department will sponsor National Night Out on Tuesday, August 4. This year, the Brentwood National Night Out committee would like to try something different, the city reported on its website.

In the past the event has been held at the Brentwood Swim Club. In the spirit of National Night Out, the city would like to bring the event back to the neighborhoods, according to the announcement.

This year, neighbors are encouraged to organize a block party, and police officers will visit the gatherings.

The city is looking for interested community members who would organize a block party where they live. There be a meeting in early June to discuss the possibilities and get ideas. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Det. Craig Eisenbeis at the Brentwood Police Department at 314-963-8617 (number given on Facebook) or email at


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