Brentwood Rec Center work to begin in 2014, at close to 2.9 million price tag

Brentwood Recreation Complex
Brentwood Recreation Complex
Brentwood Recreation Complex

Brentwood Mayor Pat Kelly, in Monday’s board of aldermen meeting, read the costs for upgrading the recreation complex. It was built in 1975, and how to address issues related to its age has been the subject of two studies and approximately five years of discussions by the board of aldermen. The board agreed this year to spend  just what is needed to bring it up to current standards.

Kelly said the projected expenses are in the proposed budget for this year.

  • Roof replacement, 476,000
  • Mechanical system upgrades, 280,000
  • New sprinkler system, to bring it up to code, 250,000
  • New fire alarm system, 41,000
  • Electrical system replacement upgrade, 519,000
  • ADA improvements on the interior, 75,000
  • ADA improvements on the exterior, 100,000
  • Other code-related improvements, 5,000
  • Structural slab replacement, 251,000
  • Ice rink refrigeration equipment replacement (no Freon®) 912,000

Total: Just over 2.9 million

The city has agreements with four engineering firms, including GBA Architects Engineers, which gave a bid of $151,872, to manage the project. The other three firms will also submit bids for the work.

The city will take out bonds to finance the work. The goal is to issue the bonds in the beginning of 2014 and complete the work in the same year.


  1. 476,000 for a new roof? Let’s say it’s 20x larger than the average house. The average new roof might be, what, $10,000? 10k time 20 = $200k. That’s a far cry from $476,000.


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