Brentwood resident, ‘Minnie’ Weise, dies at 100


Erminia ‘Minnie’ Weise, who was born on Rose Avenue in Brentwood in 1915, died Jan. 18, 2016, according to the Brentwood Historical Society and  Jay B. Smith Funeral Home.

According to the Brentwood Historical Society, Weise was born Erminia Stefanoni to Italian immigrants. Her father, Eugene Stefanoni, came from Milan. He married Angela Pastori in 1914. Stefanoni worked at the Evans/Howard Brick Yard yard until he was 68 years old.

Minnie began first grade at Brentwood #1 School, on North and South Road, and later switched to St. Mary Magdalen School, when that opened.

She walked to St. Mary Magdalen every day from Evans Avenue. She received her First Communion in the old church — the old Madden blacksmith shop on the corner — where the current church stands today.

Minnie met her future husband, Clarence Weise, while waiting for a ride in front of St. Mary Magdalen. They were married in the old rectory on Brentwood Boulevard in 1936.

Read the full post in the Brentwood Historical Society. See her obituary at Jay B. Smith Funeral Home.

A Funeral Mass was held at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church on Jan. 21.


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