Brentwood resident reads list of grievances

Brentwood resident Maureen Wheat read a list of grievances at Monday's board of aldermen meeting. She gave a copy to all city officials when she was finished.

Brentwood resident Maureen Wheat went to the Brentwood Board of Aldermen meeting Monday, for the first time, she said, to read a list of grievances a little more than a page long.

Brentwood resident Maureen Wheat read a list of grievances at Monday's board of aldermen meeting. She gave a copy to all city officials when she was finished.
Brentwood resident Maureen Wheat read a list of grievances at Monday’s board of aldermen meeting. She gave a copy to all city officials when she was finished.

She apologized for shaking as she read from the podium, and Alderman Andy Leahy told her she was doing a good job and to continue. When she was finished she gave a copy to each city official.

There was no comment from city officials when she finished.

Wheat emailed 40 South News a copy also:

Grievance:  Brentwood’s non-disclosure tactic of Administration “AT” v. “FOR the” citizens.

  1. People pay a lot to live in Brentwood. Residents sink their long-term finances into this community specifically based on a predictable living environment.  I am thoroughly disgusted by the noxious antics of a dictatorial Administration and tenet circumventing of  “Sunshine Laws”,  whether stated or implied. This administration has been loyal only to its own fiats—failing to listen to consistencies in residents’ inputs and engaging alternatives. Residents deserve better.
  2. This administration has not made a consistent, nor disciplined effort to get the residents completely informed. It further failed to register any acknowledgment of residential dissension on major ordinance changes.  So what do we have to show for this occlusion of the “Sunshine Laws?”
  3. Inappropriate exchanges,  including condescension and general bad attitude against legitimate questioning by Alderman Saunders.  In my opinion she is especially targeted because she “crosses every “t”, and dots every “i”.  She does this professionally, but is degraded and condescended for bringing transparency and scrutiny to this Administration. What is the problem with comprehensive transparency—that would welcome Ald. Saunders questions on details?  Any M.D.  CPA or Atty.  would relish this attention to details—but not so in Brentwood.
  4. The pitting of neighbor against neighbor, by a zoning waiver without first a general consensus. (Zoning waiver against single family residential dwelling zoned for the quiet (backdoor Boys Hope Girls Hope) project.
  5. A mayoral call for limiting information accessed by BOA, overturned in its later stages as antithetical to the Sunshine Laws. (‘Code of Conduct” mandate.)
  6. Continuous failure of specific businesses to meet the ordinances under which the business was originally established. (The breach of the noise ordinance by a new kennel.) Brentwood did studies, but the problem has not resolved.  Because the business breaches the noise ordinance, the resident has had no satisfaction.
  7. Inappropriate waiving of a planning and zoning distance ordinance required between buildings, whereby a home owner’s rights were breached. (A building was erected mere feet from a home, against the standing ordinance. Resident had a living room view widow that due to the waiving without resident consent—she now looks directly into a brick wall.  The administration told her, “Put up some curtains…”)
  8. Outsourcing the Brentwood emergency call system to the ECDC glut call center.  Although called NFP, we all know they are making money off Brentwood, doing what we could and should be doing in house. There has already been a fire, located two blocks from the fire house, wrongly called to first responders. The fire  could be seen from the fire house, but the first responders were sent to the wrong address. Modest in-house upgrades would have served far better, and cost far less than the risk ECDC continues to pose, as a very mediocre multi-tasking EMS call center.
  9. Major breakdowns in financial auditing and personnel matters that affect the city’s future debt, because ‘what the people don’t know won’t hurt this administration.’ (Embezzlement, and a unilateral pardon, constituting a mayoral abuse of power).
  10. I do not feel it is in the best interests of the residents for this administration to independently and/or privately decide these issues.  The rancor of public contestation of these same issues was embarrassing and disgraceful. That being said, if this administration cannot fluidly do the work of healthy residential governance, without ripping the community apart every time, they should not run for elected positions.
  11. Bottom line: quit dictating and selectively enforcing planning and zoning ordinances. No mayoral rights are bigger than the citizens’ rights. Residents have consistently not been apprised of major changes affecting them.  Brentwood residents deserve better information, and the standing ordinances need adherence versus subjugated to administrative agenda driven “waivers.”  That is not what Brentwood residents signed on to.

See also: Brentwood officials split on bill to curtail construction traffic: fails


  1. Maureen, I applaud your courage and well stated concerns. You definitely summed up the endless complaints and concerns of most of the citizens. We are working diligently to remedy these shortcomings and bring back the city that we all remember. I will warn you that vocalizing your issues brings retaliation from this administration! I, personally, have been on the receiving end of these efforts by city hall to shut down opposition. When my wife and I became vocal we received threatening “gifts” in the mail that were received by a “paid” consultant to city hall. So much for loyalty to a 52 year resident and business owner in the City of Brentwood!!! By the way, I moved my business out of Brentwood after the way I was treated. STAY STRONG and don’t give up!

    • Hello Richard—and your post is very interesting. “I will warn you that vocalizing your issues brings retaliation from this administration! I, personally, have been on the receiving end of these efforts by city hall to shut down opposition. When my wife and I became vocal we received threatening “gifts” in the mail that were received by a “paid” consultant to city hall.”

      I am VERY sorry you moved your business out of duress. But this mayor and I went to the same Catholic grade school. When you believe you are right and in line with good, you DO NOT back down. The same Dominicans taught the Mayor, who taught me. My point originates from the adage “The fish rots from the head down.” If, as I present is true, that the Administration is unengaged with the best interests of the balance of residential B’wd and commercial B’wd–we need to ‘bright line’ that problem. If you want to confidentially communicate your position, my e-dress is [email protected]. I am a listener not a talker. it is TIME TO CLEAN UP B’WD and return it back to the people. Again thank you for your post, and I am not afraid of being right—I am afraid of people being not listened to—CITIZENS FIRST. all respects, maureen

    • Mr. Emery, I am not intending to be intrusive. If you don’t want to answer–I get it. But what do you mean you received “gifts” after voicing your opinion to the City?

  2. Thank you so much for the positive reception, but it was hardly done in a vacuum. I am a listener–not a talker. Every point I cited was offered by multiple other residents first.

    When 40 South News ran the unfortunate, lack of progress update on Brentwood (with other municipalities) adherence to the “Sunshine Laws”, that was the tipping point. When independent professional reviews cite limited adherence after a problem has been identified–that becomes an administrative decision not to abide. All I did was back-track to show a pattern of bad administrative behavior and non-compliance.

    btw, I have spoken publically before–but never in a grievance process. Those I have done confidentially. Unfortunately, the public BOA – Administration meeting provided the only forum for citing bad behaviors on record. And I was really shaking because it was so uncomfortable doing this in public. Hopefully we can redirect ourselves as a unified community, ratchet down the anger and resentments of not being listened to and get back to where we used to be: the City of Warmth. We earned that title over a lot of years and it is time to re-claim it.

  3. Thanks for going public Maureen Wheat. If Alderman Kramer doesn’t choose to run–as he is the likeliest of what we could call seasoned prospects, we will be choosing from the ‘devil we know, and the devil we don’t know.’ The election is not until next April, and we don’t want to be ‘back here’ a year and two years from now. As a resident, I am hungry for information. We need to move forward as a solid community of law and ordinance abiding citizens.

  4. Good for you, Maureen Wheat! You said exactly what so SO many of us are thinking and you said it so eloquently. I’m proud that you care enough about our community to make a stand!

  5. Sadly Maureen…you are spot on. And as a citizen of our community you have every right to express your concerns. That is one way to promote positive changes. I’m very optimistic for our community’s future. You can’t help but love our city and with that comes caring deeply about the direction it’s moving in.


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