Brentwood residents speak out against Manhassett Village

Brentwood Forest resident Pat Ebeling told the board of aldermen that trucks would tear up Brentwood roads building Manhassett Village.

On Monday, Richmond Heights City Council passed the first reading of a bill approving development plans for phase I of Manhassett Village, to include 281 apartments.

Brentwood Forest resident Pat Ebeling told the board of aldermen that trucks would tear up Brentwood roads building Manhassett Village.
Brentwood Forest resident Pat Ebeling told the board of aldermen that trucks would tear up Brentwood roads building Manhassett Village.

Also on Monday, at Brentwood’s board of aldermen meeting, about a half-dozen Brentwood residents who live near the proposed development just north of Brentwood Forest said they’re not happy with the impending construction.

Pat Ebeling said when the old Manhassett Village was demolished, Richmond Heights repaved Eager Road when they were finished, but charged Brentwood for half the job, because half of the road is Brentwood’s.

“Now Richmond Heights wants to do the same thing on an 18-month construction project. I don’t think it’s fair to burden Brentwood tax payers. Richmond Heights should use their own streets,” she said.

Ebeling and others said construction trucks should take Eager road into the site and leave by McCutcheon Avenue, which would keep all traffic on Richmond Heights roads.

Cecelia Nangle said it was a “disaster when they tore down Manhassett Village.”

“To put this burden on us, where we have to pay for half of the road, is insane,” Nangle said. “If they build 800 apartments, and give a car and a half to each apartment, think of what that will do to people who live, like where I live, on Eager Road.”

Others agreed, and added that construction trucks on Eager Road, especially around rush hour will add to the congestion. “The dust and trucks and noise is going to be huge,” Carol Schmidt said.

Mayor Pat Kelly said he will contact the city of Richmond Heights about the issue.

“We have always had a good working relationship with Richmond Heights, and I think it’s important to maintain that,” he said. “We don’t to do something that’s too restrictive and in the future, they do the same to us.”

Phases 1 and 2 of Manhassett Village is to include 321 apartments.
Phases 1 and 2 of Manhassett Village is to include 321 apartments.


  1. How many units does Brentwood Forest have today, 1200ish? …and almost ZERO traffic on Eager west of Brentwood Blvd at rush hour. Adding 281 shouldn’t be an issue. This should drive up prices in BF and add to an already desirable area to live. There are 91 independent cities in STL County. We all use each other’s roads.


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