Brentwood School Board candidate not able to make forum states his views


Jason Mayer, a candidate for the Brentwood School Board, said in a comment on an article about a League of Women Voters forum for the candidates that he was out of town at the time. He added his views:

Unfortunately, I was unable to participate in this event as I was out of town for work at the time. I work remotely, and once a quarter I am required to be out of town for work for a week. My trip, flight and hotel were already planned before the invitation to this event was sent out.

I have been working in IT for the past 13 years, and I believe I have a great deal of knowledge I can contribute, especially with regards to the five year technology plan for the school. In fact, I think that my expertise in this area is why you should consider me for the school board.

I grew up a part of the public school system, and I strongly believe that my children should also be a part of that.

I think that the two elementary school approach has worked very well for Brentwood, and I would want to see that continue.

I strongly support the VICC program. I went to public schools in the city of St. Louis, and I believe that diversity is very important.

I am against arming teachers. I support students who raise their voice in protest.

As a member of the school board, I would work to ensure that Thrive is not allowed in school. Faith based anything has no place in a public school. I also do not believe that Creationism or “Intelligent Design” should be taught anywhere in public schools. There are places better suited to teaching that sort of thing.


  1. I’m curious how many of those that feel Mr Allen’s a bad choice actually took time to reach out to him? Comments such as, “…good observations…” or “I sense…” cause me to question if anyone took time to actually sit down with Mr Allen. There is a wonderful quote that seems appropriate for this forum, “You should be taught how to think, rather than what to think”. ‘ he’s Mayor Thornton’s horse and that’s enough reason to reject him.’ Stop drinking the KoolAid and actually think for yourself.

    I would also like to point out I have not seen one comment by Mr Allen made in response to these, what I will call, attacks and/or assumptions on his motivation for running. “I hate when children are impacted negatively by political maneuvers and trust the citizens of Brentwood will not fall prey to self-serving goals by anyone.” Amen Lois Truman. I hope everyone sees this forum for what it is.

    Best of luck to ALL candidates.

  2. I am disappointed to see these comments. Anyone who truly knows my husband and I can attest that we are deeply invested in this district and community and only have the best intentions.

  3. I believe the voters of Brentwood are making some good observations and doing their homework to make an informed vote. I hate when children are impacted negatively by political maneuvers and trust the citizens of Brentwood will not fall prey to self-serving goals by anyone.
    We do have some important decisions in the immediate future about upgrading our elementary schools and the city needing funds for the Manchester tunnel project, so let’s keep doing our research. Votes make the difference.

  4. Thanks, Mr. Mayer. I like what you wrote and wish you well in tomorrow’s election. I see all the purple yard signs around town promoting Jamie Allen but am uncomfortable with him because he’s Chris Thornton’s horse in this race. I think that’s reason enough to reject him. Allen served as treasurer for Thornton’s mayoral campaign. I’m also troubled by the fact that as a member of the Library Board, Allen missed many meetings. Citizens who have the privilege of being elected or appointed to city boards and commissions should attend the meetings.

    • I share similar sentiments regarding Jamie Allen. He’s the only candidate who I would not be comfortable seeing on the BoE. In an election of this size (small), it’s automatically a problem for me to see two candidates campaigning together such as Mr. Allen and Mr. Womer are doing. I’m glad to see that Mr. Mayer, Ms. Truman, and Mr. Missey have taken a children-first approach to this election, and aren’t getting themselves involved in the nitty-gritty of politics. It appears to me that Ms. Truman is extremely well qualified for the position, with a doctorate in Child and Family Studies and previous experience as an educator. She will definitely be receiving my vote.

      • The school board can be a spring board for higher office in Brentwood, and I sense Allen may be seeking a board seat because he’s politically ambitious and aspires for a higher office. I didn’t know of his close ties to Thornton and his role as Thornton’s campaign treasurer. I thank Mr. Madden for alerting us to this fact. Say no more — this is a deal-breaker for me. We are lucky to have a candidate of Lois Truman’s caliber and I will proudly vote for her tomorrow.


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