Brentwood school board candidate’s statement


Brentwood School Board candidate Lois Truman sent this statement to 40 South for publication, received and published on April 3. She suggested that there were some misunderstandings resulting from the forum, and she hopes she’s back on track. The election is Tuesday, April 4.

Message from Lois Truman to Brentwood Voters:

We are very near our election day (Tuesday, April 4th) when decisions will be made that impact the future of our Brentwood community.

I believe it is important to have one or more professional educators serving on our school board. We currently have one educator on our board, and I trust you see the value in adding me as an experienced, qualified and professional educator to also serve on our Brentwood School Board.

I am excited to be on the ballot for the Brentwood School District Director position. By running, I am volunteering my services to you for the next three years, in which I make myself available to represent you on our school board during regular monthly meetings, special events, and any venue that affects the quality of our schools.

I am passionate about serving every child in our Brentwood community by offering the best possible fit for each individual. I will advocate for all children and families in our community. I’ve enjoyed meeting many families who attended the Brentwood schools, some of whom have grandchildren now in our schools, and I value their historical data and input for a future vision.

The Brentwood School Board will be making decisions that affect our entire community: student transportation and safety, curriculum adoption, extra-curricular activities and other school-related activities, and the beginning stages of plans for renovation/construction of school facilities. Many of these topics also affect areas of our community, and that is why I am an advocate for close collaboration between the community services and the school board.

I want to be your voice on this board, whether you do or do not have children in the Brentwood Public Schools. The quality of our community is directly related to the quality of our schools. Using your tax dollars to maintain high quality schools is a smart way to allow your property values to remain high, as we provide a critical service to our young ones via quality education.

My qualifications and background experiences are highlighted on my Web and Facebook pages, and I welcome any emails or calls from you if you want to chat.
FB: Lois Truman for Brentwood School Board
Phone: (314) 743-6165
I appreciate your thoughtful consideration in voting for me.
Lois Truman (for school board!)


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