Brentwood Scouts go camping

Preparing for Mud Cave- From left to right- Zach Horton, Eric O’Neal, Joseph Blasé, Oscar Karlan

Scouts from Brentwood Pack 656 attended summer camp last week at Camp May at the Beaumont Scout Reservation.

Preparing for Mud Cave- From left to right- Zach Horton, Eric O’Neal, Joseph Blasé, Oscar Karlan
Preparing for Mud Cave- From left to right- Zach Horton, Eric O’Neal, Joseph Blasé, Oscar Karlan

This annual tradition is the first time that many Scouts are away from their families for an extended time. It helps prepare them for the week-long Boy Scout camps they will participate in starting next year.

At camp, the Scouts participate in many activities, such as swimming, archery, and BB gun shooting. At Scoutcraft they learn basic orienteering, knot tying and cooking over an open fire. At the nature area, the boys learn to identify plants and trees, learn geology and get to handle snakes and turtles.

The two favorite activities are exploring the creek that runs through Beaumont Reservation and the trip into Mud Cave.

Returning from the creek- from left to right- Joseph Blasé, Eric O’Neal, Zach Horton, Oscar Karlan
Returning from the creek- from left to right- Joseph Blasé, Eric O’Neal, Zach Horton, Oscar Karlan


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