Brentwood elected officials voted Monday to seek federal funds to replace sidewalks and improve curbs and gutters on Manchester Road between Brentwood Boulevard and Salem Road, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
It wasn’t determined if the improvements would be on both sides of the road, or how much of Manchester Road would be fixed.
The deadline to apply for the grant, the Surface Transportation and Congestion Mitigation And Air Quality Program, is Feb. 19. City Administrator Bola Akande said Brentwood would see about $1.3 million.
Read the full article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Maggie K…Brentwood Blvd is slated to be resurfaced this year by St. Louis County. Brentwood doesn’t have control of Brentwood Blvd.
Let’s get Brentwood Blvd fixed ASAP.