Brentwood Ward 3 resident plans run for alderman

Brandon Jones plans to run for Ward 3 alderman in Brentwood.

If Brentwood Ward 3 Alderman Keith Robertson decides to run for another term, he’ll have competition in April.

Filing to run for elected offices in Brentwood isn’t until December 16, but resident Brandon Jones has already taken steps—he’s applied to walk in the Maddenfest parade and kicked off a campaign Facebook page.

Brandon Jones plans to run for Ward 3 alderman in Brentwood.
Brandon Jones plans to run for Ward 3 alderman in Brentwood. Photo credit: Marc Adler

Jones said Friday, in a sit-down with 40 South News at St. Louis Bread Co., that his chief reason for running is that the board of aldermen isn’t listening to the residents, and he’d like to help change that.

He mentioned the city transferring its dispatching to East Central Dispatch as an example.

“When I did the petition, the likes on the Save the Brentwood Dispatchers (Facebook) page, and the people that went to the board of aldermen meetings, it seemed like it was an overwhelming majority of people that did not want this switch to happen, but yet they approved it anyway,” Jones said. “If it’s me reading the signs, that means they don’t care what we think.

“So I really want people to know that I feel it’s an alderman’s job to do what the residents want them to do, or what the residents think is in the best interest of the community, no matter what their personal feelings,” he said.

He said that would apply to the bigger issues more than things like approving a conditional use permit.

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He also said the way residents are treated in meetings comes across as condescending at times, “like they just don’t care. And I don’t think that’s right.”

Jones said when a resident spoke about what she called the poor condition of sidewalks and trees at a recent meeting is an example of that.

“The mayor was flippant about it, like he didn’t care at all what she had to say,” Jones said. “I think what people have to say is important—may not always be able to do anything about it—but we should at least listen to them and act like we care, because we should care.”

He also said he doesn’t know Ward 3 Alderman Keith Robertson personally, and doesn’t have anything against him, other than he thinks he’s not listening to the residents.

Jones has lived in Brentwood his whole life except for four years when he was in Troy, IL. He was previously an emergency dispatcher, and now works for Al’s Automotive.

He is married, with three boys and one step-daughter.

Aldermen, Anthony Harper (Ward 1), Lee Wynn (Ward 2), Keith Robertson (Ward 3), Tom Kramer (Ward 4) and Mayor Pat Kelly all have expiring terms in April 2015.


  1. It’s about time someone was willing to listen. I think that for the most part the mayor and board have gotten too comfortable in their chairs and have forgotten what being an -elected representative- is all about.


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