Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan will record a Catholic Channel radio show from Maplewood’s Steak ‘n Shake, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has reported.
Dolan’s segment will be recorded from 5 to 6 p.m. and then broadcast at 1 p.m. Tuesday on Channel 129 of Sirius XM satellite radio. The recording session is not open to the public.
Dolan was baptized at Immaculate Conception. He has long said Steak ‘n Shake is his favorite place to eat, according to the Post-Dispatch. One of his guests will be his niece, Kathleen Dolan.
See the full post in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

See also: Cardinal Timothy Dolan says mass at Immaculate Conception
I lived block away from Steak n Shake on Comfort as a youth and parents still live in the same house – always cut through Valley School to get to Steak n Shake. Was great to be within walking distance of the essential food triangle: steak n Shake / Imos / White Castle [with an occasional stop at Jack in the Box.
dolan duck
Hopefully he’ll get better service than the general public.