Cars collide in front of Starbucks


Two cars collided early Thursday morning on Brentwood Boulevard in front of Starbucks when when one, heading south, made an illegal left turn into the parking lot and struck a northbound car, according to Brentwood Chief of Police Dan Fitzgerald on Facebook.

Fitzgerald said the two cars had “major damage” and there was “one minor injury.”

One commenter said, “I went past at 6:40, it was clear, at 6:50, it was a mess. Looked like two cars hit front ends… trying to get their Starbucks fix, probably!”

The barriers preventing a left turn at Starbucks from the southbound lane have been down during the Brentwood Boulevard sidewalk curb repair, according to another comment.


  1. I know when I had to travel from the east side of Brentwood to BHS .. I had to turn west from the northbound Brentwood Boulevard at White .. I was almost hit ‘head on’ trying to make a legal left turn onto White when peeps were trying to get into Starbucks…………..rushing to get their caffeine. YuchObuckO~!!~

  2. The lane blockers are unnecessary. As the report says, if you fail to yield, really ANYWHERE, you’re in line for trouble. Just because it’s a Starbucks, we should protect people from themselves? There are a million locations similar in the county. Where else have they installed those ugly things in exact similar circumstances. That’s what signs are for. Idiot drivers are idiot drivers, Starbucks or no.

  3. What I have just read the , Southbound auto making a left turn into the parking lot failed to yield to the Northbound auto who has the right of way. Therefore, the driver of the Southbound auto should have been ticket for failure to yield and his insurance should pick up the whole tab. Chief Fitzgerald monitor these comments and anyone who disagrees with me, hunt them down and order them to the longest drivers ed course you can find.


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