Caution, limited staff reasons for limited Heights pool hours


No open swim is scheduled Monday through Friday this week at The Heights pool due to a lifeguard staffing issue, an employee there said Thursday morning.

Richmond Heights City Manager Amy Hamilton said by email that the decision not to hold open swim at The Heights is precautionary to ensure full guard staffing at the Maplewood Family Aquatic Center during the high temperatures. See The Heights July pool hours here.

Last week eight lifeguards at the Maplewood Family Aquatic Center were fired over content of a private chat group the lifeguards used.

See also: Lifeguards quit before being fired: Post-Dispatch, Lifeguard firings: ‘raunchy’ jokes were the reason




  1. So now it is being reported that this was due to a crypto scare. I feel like someone is being lied to here.

  2. Right you are. Because some self righteous official wants to play Mayberry RFD politics with her minions the whole community suffers at the peak of this summer’s heat wave…

  3. Some one needs to get off that fat butt and give members back their money. If you can’t perform then why should you keep their money. When one pays for a service they deserve to get for what they have paid. Members need to take a hard stand on this situation.

    By having the mass firing as they did, who would want to work at the pool now?


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