Chateau Maplewood shutters, joins list of recently closed Maplewood businesses


The wine shop and bar, Chateau Maplewood, 7326 Manchester Road, closed its door for good on Wednesday, posting on Instagram that wine would be sold at 50% off later that day.

On Thursday a second sign said all the 50% off wine had been sold, and the remainder would be sold in an auction next week.

Following the closing the Mid County Chamber of Commerce posted a letter to the community on 40 South, stating that “downtown Maplewood remains a vibrant business hub for dining, shopping and entertainment. The simultaneous closings cannot be ignored, but don’t warrant panic either.” The chamber said each of the closings have been unique, and that they and the Special Business District are working to bring businesses to Maplewood.

A sign was posted Wednesday afternoon at Chateau Maplewood saying that all the 50% off wine had been sold. An auction will be held next week for the rest of the wine.
Sign posted on the door on Friday at Chateau Maplewood.



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