Chick-fil-A begins city approval process


Brentwood Planning and Zoning heard initial plans for a new Chick-fil-A at the current Macaroni Grill site (8590 Eager Road) Wednesday evening at City Hall.

photo(2)Chick-fil-A will have a new lease; the lot is owned by Dierbergs. Macaroni Grill, now at the site, would be demolished. Macaroni Grill is still operating.

Hours would be 6:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. The city traffic engineer will look at parking and the drive-through, for possible stacking.

The Chick-fil-A proposal will go next to planning and zoning subcommittee on Oct. 29.

The commission passed these petitions:

  • Site plan and conditional use permit for Lawn Care Equipment Co. to expand to 8513 Manchester Road. It was the company’s third planning and zoning meeting.
  • Site plan approval for exterior modifications at 2921 S. Brentwood Boulevard.
  • Site plan and conditional use permit for an expansion for A. Bommarito Wines at 2827 S. Brentwood Boulevard and 8827, 8823, 8819 and 8815 Pendleton Avenue.

More planning and zoning business:

  • Carboline Company (350 Hanley Industrial Court) requested to add a 5,906 square foot building to house a 280 square foot test furnace, control room and storage. A representative of the company said only steam would come from the furnace stack, and would be scrubbed first. The furnace would be used from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and would be under 80 decibels. The committee asked for documentation of safety and environmental issues, and will continue to hear the request at its next meeting.
  • Since the board of aldermen approved food trucks for a 12-month trial period beginning November 2013, five permits have been issued, and all were for city sponsored activities. City staff has heard from operators that the permit fee is high, which may be prohibiting the trucks. Staff was looking for feedback. No food truck operators were at the meeting, and the review of the ordinance was tabled.
  • The commission approved the new St. Louis County Flood Insurance Rate Map.
  • The commission approved allowing a church to locate in a Light Industrial District.

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