City of Maplewood hires new city manager: former former chief of staff for mayor of Columbus


The Maplewood City Council and Mayor has voted unanimously to hire Michael Reese to serve as Maplewood’s next city manager, the city of Maplewood announced Wednesday.

Reese’s hire comes after an exhaustive search for a candidate conducted by the Maplewood City Council over the past 20 months since the retirement of Marty Corcoran, who previously served as city manager for over 30 years.

See also: Marty Corcoran honored for 36 years as Maplewood City Manager

Reese comes to Maplewood with a wealth of experience in local government, including extensive history with the city of Columbus, Ohio. As the former chief of staff for the mayor of Columbus, Reese managed 14 directors, improved city services, used the budget to create safe and vibrant neighborhoods and business districts, interacted regularly with community and business leaders, partnered with the private sector to create jobs, and collaborated with the school district to advance educational opportunities.

Reese holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Government degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, and a Master of Arts in Political Science degree from Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Reese has three grown children and is a lifelong St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan. Reese said, “I am very excited about the opportunity to work for the citizens of Maplewood and with an energetic and collaborative mayor and city council.  The city of Maplewood is a wonderful community with caring people and non-profit organizations, great schools and dynamic businesses. I can’t wait to get started.”

It is anticipated that Reese will start in August or September, and the city will have future announcements for community members to meet and engage with Reese soon.


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