City officials to seek re-election — or not — in April 2016


In response to an email to the Brentwood aldermen who’s terms expire in April 2016, one said he will seek re-election, one said he most likely will, one said she won’t, and one couldn’t say at the time. Filing for the spring ballot opens Dec. 15.

Ward 1 Alderman Maureen Saunders said she would be able to give an answer soon.

Ward 2 Alderman Cindy Manestar said she is not planning to run for re-election because her oldest son was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease four months after she was elected in 2012.

“We have recently had to seek specialty treatment for him at a clinic located at the University of Iowa and will be traveling there quite often during the upcoming years,” Manestar said. “I have enjoyed my time working as an alderman, especially all the wonderful Ward 2 residents that I have met along the way.”

Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy said he will seek a seventh term, and sent a statement.

Ward 4 Alderman Patrick Toohey said he most likely will run, but is “figuring out the logistics of balancing work and family with the role. As long as it appears I fit in the role for the next two years I will then run.”

Richmond Heights voters will select a mayor, and a city council member in each of four districts in the April 2016 municipal election. Mayor Jim Beck plans to run for re-election. Former councilman, Jim Thomson also plans to run for mayor.

See information from the city of Richmond Heights for anyone interested in running for office or registering to vote.

See also: Richmond Heights municipal election, April 5, 2016: Mayor to run again

There will be no April 2016 municipal elections in Maplewood. When city official terms end:

  • Mayor Jim White: April 2017
  • Ward 1: Karen Wood: April 2019, David Cerven: April 2017
  • Ward 2: Tim Dunn: April 2019,  Fred Wolf: April 2017
  • Ward 3: Barry Greenberg: April 2019, Shawn Faulkingham: April 2017


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