City warns: pick up after your dog at dog park

Maplewood Dog Park

Some Maplewood Dog Park users aren’t cleaning up after their dogs, which could mean the park will close temporarily. Tiffany Davis, Maplewood
Assistant Public Works Director has passed along a warning:

The city has received numerous complaints about members not picking up their dog’s poop/feces, according to a Facebook post.

The 10th rule for the Maplewood Dog Park states “Owners must clean up dog feces”. Any member who fails to comply with the rules of the Dog Park may be asked to leave the park and/or be suspended.

If we continue to receive complaints, the Dog Park may be closed temporarily for up to one week.

Members are encouraged to report any violations to the City via email at [email protected] or by calling me at 646-3640. Any information received will remain anonymous.

Please be considerate of other Dog Park patrons and clean up after your pets.

Maplewood Dog Park
Maplewood Dog Park


  1. Something that might bring Maplewood in step with other progressive cities would be to install dog-poop-bag dispensers in areas where there are lots of walked dogs, and trash cans, too. Many dogs are walked on Sarah, for instance. It would be nice to have a trash can at one or both ends at the back of Schlafly’s, and a doggie bag dispenser.

    • responsible pet owners should purchase their own baggies and throw them away in their own trash cans. Why should tax payers pick up the tab… Or worse, pick up the poop?!

      • Because people without kids pick up the tab for parks, schools and anything else. Maybe parents should just pay for their kids to go to school. FYI, dog park patrons pay a fee to city for the park every year. They can provide baggies.

        • Ditto Mike….we all pitch in to make this a great community for everyone. Many cities are proud to provide services for dog-owning families and call themselves dog-friendly. We always pat ourselves on the back for being “open” and “progressive”. A funky doughnut shop doesn’t make us progressive, treating all citizens with respect and striving to include everyone, does.

  2. “City warns: pick up your dog’s ‘poop’ at dog park . . .”
    How about warning people to do it when they walk their dogs in the neighborhoods?

  3. I wonder if this notice from the city is at all related to the smell of sewage coming from the creek behind the park…a polite reminder would have sufficed, but I guess making threats to paying patrons is as close as the city gets to professionalism. I wonder if Ryan Hummert patrons will be banned from the park next for leaving trash around the baseball field…

    • It’s likely that the complainants are a handful of vocal dog park members. My husband and our two dogs used to be members there, and a couple of the other dog owners drove us away with their petty bickering and complaining.


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