Consumer oddities of nearby neighborhoods


Ever wonder what some of our nearby city of St. Louis neighbors spend their money on? St. Louis 8th Ward Committeeman Paul Fehler came across a database of consumer extremes for each neighborhood and made a map of it. Nearby, for example, are households that bought fewer deep fryers than any others in the city, and those that contributed the most to public radio.


  • Highest: Viewed pay per view TV more than 10 times in the past 12 months
  • Least: household trip to the Middle East

Franz Park

  • Highest: Frequented chain automobile service/repair facility
  • Least: Bought a coffee maker


  • Highest: Child six or younger in care of another home, by a relative
  • Least: Caring for family member with cancer


  • Highest: Donation to public radio $200 or more
  • Least: Bought a deep fat fryer

The link for the map showing every St. Louis neighborhood is no longer good.


  1. This is simultaneously the weirdest and creepiest thing I have ever read on 40 South News. So STL city has a database that includes records of people buying baby oil, deep fryers, and vacations? Why? And what purpose does it serve? And what do these numbers mean? Weird weird weird.


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