Cooking Channel film crew invades Tiffany’s Diner


A film crew of about 15 crowded into the one-counter Tiffany’s Diner on Tuesday. The Maplewood diner is being featured on the Cooking Channel with cook/waitress Daisy May as the star, according to CBS News.

The Pizza Masters show is filming at Tiffany’s Diner (7402 Manchester Road). Francis Garcia and Sal Basile, of Pizza Masters, joined Miss Daisy and her crew to learn how to create two classic dishes, the Ying Yang and the Western omelet.

See also: Cooking Channel to come to Tiffany’s Diner

Daisy May’s 83rd birthday was Wednesday and she’s celebrating at Tiffany’s Diner, where she’s been for 37 years, and says she’s not quitting.

“I do run a tight ship when I work and I’m there by myself,” May told CBS. “I do the cooking and the waiting and the dishes and the sweeping and the mopping and the prep.”

Pizza Masters filmed there Tuesday and Wednesday. It’s due to air on the Cooking Channel this fall.

Read the full post on CBS News.

Daisy May cooks, while the film crew preps for shooting on Tuesday.
Daisy May cooks, while the film crew preps for shooting on Tuesday.



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