Coro fellow studies Brentwood, updates manual


The city of Brentwood was the focus of a four-week-long study done by a Coro™ fellow. Coro “trains ethical, diverse civic leaders nationwide,” according to its website.

Sarah Cornett, of Sacramento, CA, graduate of Whitman College in California, was assigned to Brentwood.

According to the city, over the past four weeks Cornett worked on updating the city’s Newly Elected Official Orientation Manual. In the process she went to board and committee meetings, received tours, and interviewed department heads and Mayor Chris Thornton.

Cornett is one of 12 Coro™ fellows who moved to or stayed in St. Louis to participate in the Coro™ Fellows Program in Public Affairs, a public affairs program administered by FOCUS St. Louis.

Sarah Cornett interviews Brentwood Mayor Chris Thornton, via city of Brentwood
Sarah Cornett interviews Brentwood Mayor Chris Thornton


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