Council approves Ryan Hummert Memorial cost

Ryan Hummert Memorial, in Ryan Hummert Memorial Park

Maplewood City Council Tuesday approved a resolution to accept a bid for construction of the Ryan Hummert Memorial in Ryan Hummert Memorial Park. The memorial will be situated near the picnic shelter, above the softball field.

Delong Landscape Architecture did the design work; Brookside Contracting will build the memorial. The cost is not to exceed $334,471. See the March 10, 2015 meeting minutes.

All of the money raised to date and in the future for the Ryan Hummert Memorial are going to pay for the memorial. City funds are also being used, according to City Manager Marty Corcoran.

The council also had the first and second readings for a beer and wine liquor license and a Sunday beer and wine liquor license for Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken, at 7434 Manchester Road. They also had the first and second readings for a conditional use permit for the restaurant. The final reading for both should take place at the March 24 council meeting.

Ryan Hummert Memorial, in Ryan Hummert Memorial Park
Ryan Hummert Memorial, in Ryan Hummert Memorial Park, via DeLong Landscape Architecture




  1. Doug, thanks for tracking down a photo and for the clarification in a previous post regarding this topic. It looks to be a nice addition to the space.


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