Council candidate Kristen Spencer to meet residents Monday, shares info


Candidate for Maplewood Ward 3 city council, Kristen Spencer, has shared on 40 South what she says is her last report before the election in Ward 3 (only) on Tuesday, Aug. 8.

I would like to increase citizen access to government officials and promote transparency and communication. Therefore, as a candidate for the Maplewood city council, I would love to meet with you personally on Monday, August 7th, at 7 p.m. at Sutton Loop Park next to the piano. There will be watermelon.

As you may recall, I have been walking around Maplewood asking residents what they love most about Maplewood and what they would like to see improved. Below are some resources and resolutions to some of the most common topics they have shared as well as information on the upcoming election.

“People are driving to0 fast on my street, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

This was the number one statement people mentioned to me when I asked them what they want improved about Maplewood. I reached out to our city manager, who provided the following speed bump information:

  • A street would have to meet the following qualifications to have speed bumps, humps or tables installed:
  • The street must be classified as a residential street. No collector streets or arterial streets would be eligible. A primary emergency vehicle response route is also ineligible.
  • There must be at least 400 vehicles per day on the street – Monday through Friday.
  • There must be high incidents of speeding or accidents.
  • Upon receipt of a request for a speed bump, hump or table, the city staff will gather data regarding traffic speeds, traffic volume, accidents and other necessary information to identify conditions that exist on the street to determine if installation of speed bumps, humps or tables are warranted and would be effective.
  • Speed bumps, humps or tables will not be installed on a residential street that has been deemed eligible unless 66% of the residents living on the street sign a petition in support of the installation of speed bumps, humps or tables.
  • Streets qualifying for traffic bumps, humps or tables will have such devices installed as soon as monies are available for the purchase and installation of the devices.

“I wish I had time and money to plant more trees in my yard”

Maplewood has a tree planting program! Best of all, this service is provided to homeowners for free! To submit a request, go to: I recently submitted my application for a tree in my tree lawn, and it took under one minute to apply.

“What other services are available to me?”

Maplewood has a waterline repair program:

Maplewood has a sewer lateral repair program:

“Where do I vote?”

You can vote on August 8th at Immaculate Conception Hall at 7240 Anna Avenue, Maplewood, MO 63143. I contacted the St. Louis County Board of Elections, and the representative stated that the polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. (This election is for residents of Maplewood Ward 3 only.)

“How do I vote absentee?”

According to the St. Louis County Board of Elections’ website (, you can vote at the St. Louis County Board of Election office at: 725 Northwest Plaza Drive St. Ann, MO 63074 on Saturday, August 5, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and on Monday, August 7, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Thanks for reading this, and I would appreciate your support on August 8. For more information, please visit:

Sincerely, Kristen Spencer, Ward 3 City Council Candidate

See also:


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