County answers questions on Brentwood Boulevard construction

Tom Kramer's photo of Brentwood Boulevardon May 15.

The city of Brentwood posted the following Brentwood Boulevard construction update on its website on Monday for the week of June 15. It consists of questions answered by the county.

See also: County spokesman: Brentwood resurfacing could be spring 2016

1. St. Louis County Council was next scheduled to grant authority to issue Notice to Proceed. Has this been done?

Response: The contracts are signed and were sent to MoDOT for final review. Upon completion of a satisfactory review, MoDOT will send Saint Louis County a letter granting the authority to issue a notice to proceed (NTP). Once we have the state’s permission, a NTP will be established at the pre-construction meeting.

2. When will Missouri American Water Company complete the water main replacement? Traffic slowdown and backup continues to be daily occurrence on Brentwood Blvd. between Pine and Bridgeport.

Response: The water main replacement itself is complete. Missouri American Water Company’s subcontractor is currently making the repairs to the center lane and the inside southbound lane. Once this is completed, late next week, they will make the repairs to the street crossings and outside lanes. During that time the center lane will be open while northbound and southbound traffic will be condensed but remain passable. Weather Permitting, the water company anticipates another 4-5 weeks of pavement repair before their work is completed.

3. What work is anticipated to be completed next week?

Response: The water company will continue with their permanent concrete repairs.

4. What are the temporary road closures anticipated for next week?

Response: Motorist will experience the same nature of lane closures throughout the remainder of the water companies repair work, which includes both single and double lane closures to excavate and pour back full depth concrete pavement repairs.
See also, response #3

5. What is the current work being performed and when is it expected to be completed?

Response: Permanent full depth concrete pavement repairs will be the predominate work occurring between now and project completion in roughly 4-5 weeks (this timeline is the County’s best guess – for the most accurate forecast, please contact Bob Clark at Missouri American Water Company). Saint Louis County forces do not have any “planned” activities, but is always monitoring the roadway for service needs.

7. What is the next phase of the project and what types of impacts can be expected?

Response: Once St Louis County issues NTP, we anticipate our contractor will mobilize and begin work on sidewalks, curbing, medians, additional full depth concrete repairs in areas unaffected by the water companies project and ADA curb ramp improvements between Eager Road and Marshall Ave.


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