There will be an election in April for the Maplewood Richmond Heights Board of Education.

Daniel O’Sullivan filed to run on Tuesday, making it a three-way race for the two positions with three-year terms. Those running, in ballot order, are:
- Wesley Robb (incumbent)
- Ralph Posley (incumbent)
- Daniel O’Sullivan
Incumbent Ray Crader was the only candidate to file for the one-year unexpired term, so this seat won’t be on the ballot.
O’Sullivan lost to Katie Kaufman and incumbents Francis Chmelir and Maria Langston in a best-of-three race for the board in 2014.
See also: MRH asks voters to approve bond for new preschool, MRH Prop K: cost to home owners, MRH communications director responds to bond questions
I would like to know who provided Mr. O’Sullivan with my personal email address the day before the election. I will be sure to not vote for him today.