Developer seeks tax abatement in Brentwood; BOA could tack on pedestrian bridge


The developer of a 6-story, 80-unit apartment building at the northwest corner of Manchester and Hanley roads in Brentwood is asking for a tax abatement due to “extraordinary site development costs” according to a city resolution the board of aldermen will consider at the board of aldermen meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 17.

The aldermen will consider two options. Both require the area to be blighted, resulting in up to 70 percent tax abatement for 10 years to the developer, Gary Hassenflu. The amount of the real property tax abatement would be approximately $445,000.

Option 1 is the tax abatement only. Option 2 contains the tax abatement, plus requires Hassenflu to contribute land and funds (undetermined for now) toward building a pedestrian bridge.

The frequent flooding of Manchester Road is sited as one reason for blighting the area.

The city’s comment: “This location in Brentwood has remained underutilized for too long. The city is eager you have this area of land redeveloped to be productive, attractive and an asset to the Brentwood community.”


  1. Mayoral Candidate Louise Charboneau, of 8830 Madge Avenue, HOW DO YOU PARCEL-OUT THIS ISSUE?
    You will be promoted as HONEST, CITIZEN CONCERN AND FISCALLY REPOSPONSIBLE MAYORAL CANDIDATE. There is NO reason for B’wd to be LIED to, MISmanaged and truth of the impact on major changes be obfuscated by WASTE CASE MAYOR AND THOSE WHO “increase their profits at the expense of RESIDENTS. As candidate for Mayor of Brentwood, please respond here, or contact Doug Miner with your vision to the betterment of B’wd. We need to HEAR your mindset in matters of grievous WRONG decisions—this just being the most recent. GO TO IT! We are listening. thank you

  2. You have got to be kidding! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME…. This hack developer wants a massive gov’t handout to build this Eastern European housing project/ghetto building on a flood plane? Hey, if the land is so prone to flooding maybe you shouldn’t build there? And a pedestrian bridge across Manchester – Oh that will be a pleasant sight…

  3. We do not need more building next to our creeks. I am seeing flooding like I have never seen in my 40 years as a resident in Maplewood. The flooding is exacerbated by the parking lots which have sprung up all along the watershed. Not only is there more flooding, but by having all of the run off from parking lots there is a great deal of pollution ending up in our creeks.

  4. Gary Hassenflu owned the Majestic Hotel in Hot Springs Arkansas when it caught fire on February 27th 2014, After a week of inaction by Mr. Hassenflu the Governor was forced to issue an emergency declaration due to imminent hazard to public health and the building had to be partially demolished at a $35,000 cost to the local taxpayers. The building is still partially demolished a year later, Hot Springs currently has an open RFQ to demolish the remaining debris. Mr. Hassenflu left Hot Springs to hold the bag and now he’s offering that same bag to us. I’d prefer not to take it.

  5. Due to the extraordinary costs of remodeling I’m going to need one of those tax abatements. I’m also putting up a six story parking garage with windows, I will name it the cinder block bunker, breathtaking.

  6. Where do developers get the nerve? By reading or hearing about other developers receiving a tax abatement.

    Developers have nothing to lose by asking for an abatement for themselves. Who amongst us would not want to save money?

    Our wrath should instead be directed at public officials who are responsible for public tax dollars and make the eventual decisions.

    • Agree that businesses are just taking advantage of the situation legally and aren’t ones to be upset at. In the present conditions where abatements are given so easily, it would be poor planning by a business to not ask for the free money. They can only be told no, which rarely happens. However, public officials are in a bind themselves. The bigger problem is the fractioned St Louis County with all the municipalities. If a project doesn’t find the abatements in Brentwood, then all they have to do is look a couple miles down the road at Richmond Heights or Clayton or etc.

  7. I fully agree that this space has been completely under utilized. I have been in favor of this complex since initial plan because of the potential foot traffic it will bring to the Maplewood businesses and increased metrolink use. They made good revisions to the site plan and made it more foot traffic friendly. However tax abatement continues to slowly bleed cities. I guess the ideal situation is BW tells them no abatement and they build anyway.

  8. This guy acts like Stan Kroenke Jr.
    Except for not having any money.
    I knew he’d try to get his hand in my pocket sooner or later.

  9. PS. It’s a good plain leave it a natural area for the critters. Not every square inch of Brentwood needs to be paved over.

  10. Can I get a tax abatement also. I want to put an addition on my house but it’s going to cost more than I anticipated. Marble bathtubs are really expensive these days.
    Honestly where do these developers get the nerve.


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