Car crashes through Richmond Heights living room


Monday morning, the driver of a Mercedes Benz hit two cars, and involved a third, on Council Avenue in Richmond Heights, then was going fast enough to jump the curb in front of a house on Claytonia Terrace, thread the two columns on the porch and bury the car in the front of the house, demolishing masonry and the front door.

No one was home at the time. There was one reported related injury. The driver was taken away in handcuffs neighbors said. A Richmond Heights police officer said the driver of the Mercedes (the suspect) was “out of it.”

Neighbor, Peggy Middlebrook was amazed that the driver centered himself between the columns. “I try to parallel park I’m not that lucky,” she said. “I was walking down the street and a young man said, ‘You see that house down there? That is not a garage. A car went into the front door.'”

The owners of the house were notified. The first to arrive was concerned about her pets, in the house when it happened. A firefighter brought out her dog on a leash, then a cat in a carrying box.

The car begins to be extracted from the house on Claytonia Terrace.
The Mercedes is towed away.
The home owner is reunited with her dog.



  1. It was his mom’s car. The driver had passed out and was high on heroin. So lucky that there was only one injured party and he will be okay. We are out riding bikes and going for walks right there nearly ever day. With so many kids in the noeghborhood, it is a miracle that no one was killed.


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