Ethics Commission clears Kelly; finds Jamboretz guilty again

Brentwood City Hall

The Missouri Ethics Commission voted to dismiss a complaint of funding improper campaign material against Brentwood Mayor Pat Kelly and the city of Brentwood, according to a letter sent to Kelly on Feb. 7, and published on the ethics commission website.

In December 2013, the Commission found Glenn Jamboretz guilty of breaking election laws when he organized a campaign critical of then Ward 1 candidate Maureen Saunders. Jamboretz told a commission investigator the campaign  was funded by “people of substance who prefer to stay behind the scenes.”

The “people of substance” that Jamboretz referred to do not include Kelly or anyone working for  the city of Brentwood, according to the ethics commission.

“While the printed campaign material failed to include an accurate “paid for by” disclosure, the Commission found no evidence that you paid for, circulated or distributed the campaign material,” the letter stated.

While Kelly was cleared, the Missouri Ethics Commission found Jamboretz guilty once again of distributing a negative mailer without stating who paid for it, according to STL Today.

This time it was for the Missouri Professionals Mutual, a medical professional liability insurance carrier, STL Today said.



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