Facebook discussion on painted brick, apartment building renovation


The 40 South News editor posted a photo of a Maplewood apartment building (at 7389 Maple Avenue) under renovation on the Maplewood, MO Facebook group, stating his hope that the renovation doesn’t include painting the bricks; that paint destroys the character of historical buildings.

Many comments agreed, some saying that paint breaks down the bricks. One of the first comments was from someone who said he’s chief of development for the company that owns the building and that he won’t “paint this brick or any other brick I get my hands on.” He said the brick will be tuck pointed.

That led to questions of what the rent will be when the renovation is done, landscaping, and questions from former tenants about having their deposit returned.

There were also comments about the poor condition of the building. The company representative agreed, and said it probably would have been condemned for occupancy if they hadn’t bought it, adding that it has great “bones” and when they’re done with it, it will be a great building for the next century.



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