Family finds affordable housing but can’t take beagle


The mother and her two sons (one at MRH and the other starting at Meramec) living off her disability and social security checks in an apartment at 7232 Sarah Avenue, has found a new, more affordable, place to live, but there’s a hitch — the new rental doesn’t take dogs so they need to find a new home for their beagle.

They posted his photo at Shop ‘n Save; as of Sunday he doesn’t have a new home. The family has a deadline — moving day is Thursday.



  1. I would encourage to family to view This is a local resource of all available adoption agencies and resources that foster and help adopt dogs and cats. I am an animal behavior consultant and would be willing to donate one hour of free training time to help this Beagle transition into his new home. I have worked with rescue groups in the area for many years now and there are many breed-specific groups but also many who take any breed and I am sure that many can help refer this family to other resources if they themselves cannot take in this Beagle. Best of luck! Dorene Olson, TARA Training and Behavior, LLC,

  2. Did this sweet Beagle find a good loving forever home yet? It’s very scary to say “giving away” because you don’t know if she will end up in a safe home environment or to someone who abuses animals or in a testing facility.


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