Fill out the post office survey — can’t hurt!


In 2015 Maplewood historian Doug Houser encouraged 40 South readers to use the Maplewood Post office in his article — Maplewood History: Our Maplewood Post Office – Use it!

Here’s another thought, at the end of every transaction the employee hands hands out a receipt and encourages participation in an online survey at the bottom.

I did it today. It was quick and easy with questions about the service, and with the rumor about two years ago that the Maplewood office could close I figure it can’t hurt.

The survey is at

If you’ve been recently just enter the date. It’s self-explanatory.

Doug Houser wrote in 2015: “Competitors such as FedEx and UPS have taken much of their most lucrative business, parcel delivery. The next time you consider using one of them you might take a moment to think about what effect you will be having on our local post office. At least compare the rates. If the figure is close, use the Maplewood Post Office.

Our post office is an historic building full of friendly people. Don’t believe me? Check it out. It is loaded with interesting and important historic details. Any changes or improvements to the building have been handled with sensitivity and enhance the original.”



  1. It would be a shame if it closed. I lived in Maplewood from 1944-1978 with a three year gap due to the Army. Always loved the place. It had it’s own distinctive aroma like a lot of municipal buildings back then.
    Used to be a crabby guy who waited on you and in 1978 we moved to Crestwood. First trip to the Sappington PO, guess who was working there?
    Don’t tear it down.

  2. Love, love, the ladies and gentlemen at our neighborhood Post Office, and our mail carrier!
    They always greet you like a welcome friend.

  3. It’s a lovely building and the people are super nice. We love our mail carrier, too. Years ago when I lived in University City, the U City post office people were incredibly rude and the result was I quit collecting stamps. Ironically, there was a sign there saying “collect U.S. stamps”. I’m glad I live in Maplewood with such a superior post office and great staff.

    • I live on Gary Lee’s street. I have nothing against the post office and I root for them all the time. But we do not have a regular mail carrier or a regular mail delivery time. It’s not a problem. Just correcting the record.

      • The regular carrier has been increasingly filling in supervisory work in various post offices, causing a substitute carrier to fill in. You are right that the substitute carriers are not consistent in the delivery time. If our regular guy becomes assigned permanently to a supervisor job perhaps we will have a new regular carrier assigned.


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