Fish fries: Immaculate Conception and St. Mary Magdalen

Desserts at the God's Cod Fish Fry at St. Mary Magdalen

The Lenten season this year runs from Feb. 10 through March 24. Immaculate Conception Church, in Maplewood and St. Mary Magdalen Church, in Brentwood are both serving fish fries, like usual.

Immaculate Conception has menus for adults, seniors and kids. See Immaculate Conception’s menu here. (No fry on Good Friday.)

St. Mary Madalen (God’s Cod Fish Fry) has a variety of options, including a family meal and a kid’s meal. They also offer a drive-thru. See St. Mary Magdalen’s menu here. (Yes, fry on Good Friday.)

From St. Mary Magdalen and Immaculate Conception on Twitter:

Desserts at the God's Cod Fish Fry at St. Mary Magdalen
Desserts at the God’s Cod Fish Fry at St. Mary Magdalen, via Fish Fry Review


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