Flags retired by flame in Brentwood

American Legion Post 101 retires its flag on July 4.

On July 4 the American Legion Post 101, in Brentwood, retired its flag and disposed of it by burning it in a ceremony.

Dan Moushey, commander elect of the post, said burning is the proper way to dispose of American flags that are no longer serviceable.

After the post’s old flag was burned, post members raised a new one. Others brought their own flags to be retired too.


  1. We normally have many more people at the Post 101 for our Flag retirement ceremony. The only reason my sister can figure out, is that it was such a beautiful weekend, and more people left town for the long weekend, for the few people who came this year. Have never had such few people there…..This happens every year on the 4th of July, for anyone who wants to come up, and witness this…..it is open to the public. It’s a good lesson for the young ones to learn too, on how to respect our flag of this great country.

  2. American Legion Post 101 has been conducting this Flag retirement ceremony for about 20 years. We also have help from VFW Post 3500 and the Viet Nam Veterans Motor cycle club, every July 4th at 11:00 AM. IF anyone should have a flag they need to retire they can drop them off at the Legion Post, 2721 Collier, next to the Schnucks Market. Thanks for your support

  3. Really need to start using “Flag Retirement by burning” or some other such phrase to eliminate the old memories of “Flag Burning” as in the past when in disagreement of the government. Maybe the word Ceremony clarifies for some…but not for others…
    Would really like to know of any other upcoming “Flag Retirement Ceremonies” in the future.

  4. Were it not for our active and veteran military, WE WOULD NOT BE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We must look at the sacrifices made to defend our individual rights, religious rights, free speech, right to bear arms etc. Question for July 5th: Are our rights being eroded by governmental excesses and intrusions?


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