For-profit college in Brentwood closes suddenly


Missour College, at 1421 S. Hanley Road in Brentwood, closed without notice to its students — who were months from graduation — earlier in November, according to KSDK.

The for-profit school announced on Nov. 2 around noon that it would be ceasing operations immediately. Students said everything was business as usual on Tuesday until around lunchtime.

Students studying to become a dental hygienist told KSDK they were on an accelerated 18 month program not offered anywhere else in the area, and the money and classroom experience will not count for anything in any area school.

“We’re all out $42,000. We’re unable to transfer our credits anywhere else,” student Katie Hinchcliff told KSDK.




  1. Will the CEO of this college go to prison for grand theft or fraud? They affected the lives of these students trying to get ahead and defrauded the government out of student loans

    • No – this is white collar crime. He will get a suspended sentence or a probation and likely a fine of some sort. In a year or two he will be back at it with another school hawking worthless degrees to the desperate poor single mothers. Obama’s America…

      • It is widely reported that the Obama administration cracked down on for profit schools by cutting off federal funds for such institutions. Donald Trump actually had his own for profit school which has since shut down. He recently settled fraud allegations against him by former students.

  2. First line: s/b “Missouri” (not “Missour”)
    Also, KSDK reports they are “weeks away from graduation,” not minutes.
    I hope our local news outlets follow up on this story!


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